Sustainability: ESG and B-Lab
Professor Wong Poh Kam
Moderator: Mr. Pow Chang
Host: Kang Taeyoung
Date : 1st Sep. 2023, 2pm(GMT+8)
Organized by Project Pascal
Greetings, members of the Project Pascal Forum,
Addressing climate change is undeniably one of the most critical challenges facing the world today, particularly for regions like Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. Professor Wong Poh Kam highlights the multifaceted nature of this challenge and the need for innovative strategies that that transcend the realm of mere technological advancements.
In discourse with Professor Wong Poh Kam, we shall delve deep into the realm of climate change and social impact entrepreneurship. These are intricate, multifaceted predicaments that imperatively demand our collective attention and unwavering efforts. Yet, it is within this complexity that the potential for positive change unfolds—a prospect to mend our ailing planet, uplift the marginalized communities, and forge a sustainable future for posterity.
Climate Change: The Challenge of Our Time
Addressing climate change is not a mere duty; it is a calling that transcends geographical boundaries, ideologies, and vested interests. Professor Wong sheds light on the economic and political dimensions of this challenge, beseeching us to recognize that the consequences of our actions extend far beyond our immediate surroundings. It is a shared responsibility that calls for global cooperation, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to the future of our planet.
We must bridge the gaps created by historical disparities, acknowledging the past while charting a course towards sustainability that benefits all nations. Through wise policies and united action, we can alter the course of our planet towards a more resilient and harmonious future
Social Impact-Driven Entrepreneurship: Catalysts for Change
The discussion also touches upon the transformative power of social impact entrepreneurship. These entrepreneurs are pioneers in pursuing not only profits but also societal impact, demonstrating that prosperity and positive societal transformation can coexist. Their collaborative mindset and knowledge-sharing set a new standard for businesses, emphasizing the positive transformation of lives and communities.
The Role of Regulation and Certification
To further support the growth of social impact entrepreneurship, Professor Wong highlights the importance of regulatory changes and certifications like the B Corporation (B Corp) movement. B Corps are committed to environmental, social, and governance goals, operating transparently and subject to third-party audits. These certifications help consumers and investors identify businesses genuinely dedicated to making a positive impact on society and the environment, promoting “stakeholder capitalism.”
A New Dawn of Opportunities
As we embark on this forum, let us carry forth the lessons and inspiration that accompany us. Let us remember that, in the face of intricate challenges, innovation, compassion, and cooperation are our most potent assets. Together, we have the authority to effect change, to heal our planet, and to uplift humanity.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Wong Poh Kam for his invaluable insights and to each participant for their unwavering dedication to a better and more sustainable future. It is not merely about the discourse we have engaged in here; it is about the actions we shall undertake, the policies we shall shape.
May this forum be the impetus that propels us onward, igniting hope for a better tomorrow—a morrow where sustainability is not merely an aspiration, but an integral way of life.
Welcome to the Pascal forum. Let the discussions commence!
Keynote Speaker :
Professor Wong Poh Kam
Emeritus Professor at NUS Business School, LEE KUAN YEW School of Public Policy
Wong Poh Kam is Emeritus Professor at NUS Business School and LEE KUAN YEW School of Public Policy. He obtained two BSc.’s, an MSc. and a Ph.D. from MIT. He has published extensively in leading international refereed journals on entrepreneurship and innovation, and was ranked among the top 2% most highly cited scholars in the world by AD Scientific Index in 2020-22. He has also consulted widely on innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem development policies for various international agencies including the World Bank, OECD, Asian Development Bank and WIPO, various government agencies in Singapore including MTI, EDB, ASTAR, Min. of Law, MPA and IPOS, and many private corporations in Asia. He was a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at U.C. Berkeley, a visiting scholar at Stanford University, Oxford University, Korea University and GRIPS in Japan, and a Pacific Leadership Fellow at UC San Diego.
Besides his academic position, he was concurrently the Director of NUS Entrepreneurship Centre from August 2001 until July 2019, where he created or provided academic leadership for several high-impact experiential entrepreneurship education programs, including the NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) program, the Technopreneurship Minor program for undergraduates in NUS, the NRF-funded National Lean Launchpad (LLP) Program on technology commercialization for professors and graduate students in the four leading universities in Singapore (2017-22), and the annual NUS Enterprise Summer Program on Entrepreneurship. He also advised the NUS Enterprise CEO on the strategic development of NUS Enterprise Incubator (NEI) program, including Block71 in Singapore, Indonesia, Suzhou and San Francisco. He has served on the investment committee of NUS Enterprise since its founding, and was a mentor to many tech start-ups incubated by NUS Enterprise. He initiated StartUp@Singapore, the largest annual business plan competition in Singapore (1999-2012), and the DBS-NUS Social Venture Challenge Asia, the largest annual social entrepreneurship competition in Asia (2013-18). He also initiated and co-chaired the Modern Aging Accelerator, a joint program of NUS Enterprise and Access Health (2017-18), and the Port Innovation Ecosystem Re-imagined (PIER71), a joint program of NUS Enterprise and the Maritime Port Authority (MPA) of Singapore (2018-19). He is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Asian School of Business (ASB) in Malaysia, an advisor to Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Entrepreneurship Academy on entrepreneurship education, and an advisor to Hong Kong S&T Park (HKSTP) on the Lean Launcher Program.
An entrepreneur prior to joining academia, he has been an active angel investor in tech startups in Singapore, Silicon Valley and China. He was the founding chairman of Business Angel Network (Southeast Asia), and is an advisor to iGlobe Partners, a global VC fund based in Singapore. He received the Public Administration Medal (Silver) Award from the Singapore Government in 2013 for his contribution to entrepreneurship education in Singapore, and the “Entrepreneur for the World” Award (Educator Category) from the World Entrepreneurship Forum in 2015. He was a board member of the Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore (CCCS) 2016-22, and is currently a board member of B-Lab Singapore, a non-profit organization that provides certification services for Singaporebased companies that seek to become B Corps (companies for doing good).