Research Project
This project is rolled out in light of certain jarring problems we see in the research opportunities given to undergraduate students nowadays — that these opportunities are either exclusive on the basis of student excellence, or competitions are often ruthless and harsh; causing the work of many young research talents to go unacknowledged; and unrecognized.
Hence, our research project aims to publish the findings of these students on a newsletter with due permission sought and due credit given, in order to provide a suitable platform for healthy scientific discourse and feedback on the research works.
We hope that our project can eventually instill confidence in many students on their research skills, as well as exercise in them the humility and joy for learning.
Do you have a burning passion for research but are often unable to access the suitable resources for your own independent work? Or have you valiantly written research papers only for your findings to be treated with utter dismissal? Fret not, as our program shall democraticise such research opportunities across the population of students from 13 to 18.