Mr. Rob Kaplan: A Luminary in Sustainability in Southeast Asia

It is with profound delight that we present to our students Mr. Rob Kaplan, a distinguished expert and a significant figure in sustainability, ecological stewardship, and the circular economy, with a specific focus on the South and Southeast Asian regions. Our fortuitous encounter with Mr. Kaplan took place during the Sustainability in Southeast Asia Forum, where he graciously imparted invaluable insights on pressing issues such as climate change, resource conservation, social equity, and more in the context of this vital region. Mr. Kaplan’s unwavering commitment to environmental causes is profoundly   commendable, and we extend our deepest gratitude for his generosity in sharing his profound knowledge and perspicacious insights. His contributions, manifesting through inspirational interviews, erudite articles, and captivating speaking engagements have indelibly influenced the discourse surrounding the myriad environmental challenges and their cognate solutions.

We have developed a profound admiration for the insightful environmental articles he serializes in Forbes, which offer invaluable perspectives on the challenges and prospects within the sustainability and circular economy domain. These articles undeniably resonate with practitioners and budding visionaries alike.

We believe that his wisdom holds the potential to invigorate and enlighten the youthful intellects who ardently strive to fathom the environmental tribulations besetting the Asia-Pacific region. A recounting of his experiences, accomplishments, and wisdom undoubtedly serves as a font of motivation and sagacity for our own initiatives and undertakings.

By acquainting our students with Mr. Kaplan’s unwavering dedication to a sustainable future, we aspire to imbue them with a zeal for learning, growth, and the conscientious creation of meaningful contributions that underpin our collective sustenance.

We ardently believe that his insights can be a wellspring of inspiration and erudition for the youthful minds, in their quest to gain a deeper comprehension of the environmental tribulations confronting the Asia-Pacific region. Acquiring insight into his experiences, achievements, and wisdom is poised to serve as a source of motivation and enlightenment for our own initiatives and endeavors. By acquainting our students with Mr. Kaplan’s unwavering dedication to a sustainable future, we aspire to nurture their inquisitive spirit, and to equip them with the knowledge and enthusiasm required to make meaningful contributions to the journey of sustenance.

Project Pascal

Mr. Rob Kaplan currently sits on the Advisory Committee of the World Economic Forum’s Global Plastic Action Partnership and on the board of directors at The Circulate Initiative and Delterra — independent nonprofits driving system change in recycling. His expertise also led him to be a Forbes contributor and a recognized speaker at high level events addressing the role of investors in advancing the circular economy to fight the plastic pollution and climate crises.

Mr.Kaplan is Founder and CEO of Circulate Capital, a Singapore-based investment management firm dedicated to incubating financing companies, projects, and infrastructure that prevent the flow of plastic waste to the world’s oceans and advance the circular economy in South and Southeast Asia.

From innovative materials to advanced recycling technologies, Circulate Capital mobilizes catalytic capital to invest across the entire circular plastic value chain. It was established in partnership with leading global corporations including PepsiCo, Dow, Danone, Chanel, Unilever, Procter & Gamble, The Coca-Cola Company, and Mondelez International. Circulate Capital invests in local innovators and operators implementing solutions on the ground to connect them to the global supply chains. It aims to prove that investing in the sector can generate competitive returns while preventing plastic pollution, mitigating climate change, and improving livelihoods across South and Southeast Asia.

Prior to Circulate Capital, Mr. Kaplan co-founded Closed Loop Partners, an investment manager focused on the North American circular economy. As Managing Director, he oversaw the firm’s strategy and new business model development, as well as its day-to-day operations.

Mr. Kaplan also served as the Director of Sustainability for Walmart where he was responsible for sustainable packaging, customer engagement, and integration within the consumables business. He led Walmart’s cross-functional efforts to eliminate 20 million metric tons of greenhouse gas from the supply chain.

We firmly believe that Mr. Kaplan’s prodigious insights and his rich tapestry of experiences will prove to be an invaluable resource for all of us as we embark on our quest to comprehensively comprehend and confront the multifaceted environmental challenges that confront the Asia-Pacific region.