Category Archives: Social Science

Social Science

Pride and Prejudice by Zhang Chenxi

Zhang Chenxi, Raffles Institution, Miss Hong Kong, Beauty pageant, Changing beauty standards, Feminism, Diversity in beauty, Cultural shifts, Modern wom

Discover why the Miss Hong Kong pageant has seen a decline in popularity in recent years. Explore how changing beauty standards, feminism, and evolving societal values have reshaped the significance of this iconic cultural event. Dive into the cultural shifts that have transformed the perception of beauty, as we reflect on the past and consider the future of Miss Hong Kong in a changing world.

Understanding Leukemia: Types, Causes, Screening, and Treatment Options : By Zhang Chenxi

Understanding Leukemia: Types, Causes, Screening, and Treatment Options By Zhang Chenxi

Explore the intricacies of leukemia, from its various types and potential causes to the importance of screening and the latest treatment options available. Learn about the challenges patients face and the hope offered by ongoing research in the fight against this complex blood cancer.

Expression of the People’s Will: The Complexities of Electoral Systems : By Zhang Chenxi


Explore the intricate relationship between electoral systems and the expression of the people’s will in modern democracies. From indirect elections to direct democracy, delve into the complexities and challenges of representative systems, gerrymandering, polarization, and the rise of populism.