Category Archives: Research

Understanding Leukemia: Types, Causes, Screening, and Treatment Options : By Zhang Chenxi

Understanding Leukemia: Types, Causes, Screening, and Treatment Options By Zhang Chenxi

Explore the intricacies of leukemia, from its various types and potential causes to the importance of screening and the latest treatment options available. Learn about the challenges patients face and the hope offered by ongoing research in the fight against this complex blood cancer.

Expression of the People’s Will: The Complexities of Electoral Systems : By Zhang Chenxi


Explore the intricate relationship between electoral systems and the expression of the people’s will in modern democracies. From indirect elections to direct democracy, delve into the complexities and challenges of representative systems, gerrymandering, polarization, and the rise of populism.

Unveiling Natural Language Processing: Beyond the Surface of AI : By Zhang Chenxi


Unveiling Natural Language Processing: Beyond the Surface of AI By Zhang Chenxi To many people who hear the layman’s term artificial intelligence, the first thought they associate with the term may be the image of automation performing menial tasks, or Deep Blue beating Kasparov at Chess. Yet not many people may be familiar with the […]

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi To most people, they might be only familiar with the more well-known fraternal twin, pure Mathematics, characterised by its abstract, computational nature. Indeed, the solving of Math problems at a pre-university level is limited to the grueling lucubrations of calculus equations, graphing of hyperbolic functions, […]

The Role of Math and Physics in AI : By Zhang Chenxi

The Role of Math and Physics in AI

The Role of Math and Physics in AI One might have heard of Stable Diffusion, one of the many amongst the myriad of colourful text-to-image AI models in the market nowadays. Built on the architecture of a diffusion model, its associations with Physics is glaringly obvious. Just as its name suggests, it is heavily inspired […]