Category Archives: Math

Prime Number by Zhang Chenxi

Project Pascal, Raffles Institution, RI, Math, Prime numbers, Analytic number theory, James Maynard,Fermat's Last Theorem,Andrew Wiles,Algebraic geometry

Embark on a journey into the captivating realm of prime numbers with our article. From the historical fascination surrounding these enigmatic entities to the recent breakthroughs in analytic number theory, we explore the profound impact of primes on the world of mathematics. Discover the collaborative efforts, led by mathematicians like Yitang Zhang and James Maynard, to unravel the mysteries of prime pairs and witness the gap reduced from 70 million to a mere 246. Delve into the significance of prime numbers in diverse mathematical applications, from divisibility rules to setting bounds on Diophantine Equations.The intersection of number theory and algebraic geometry opens up exciting new horizons, showcasing the dynamic nature of mathematical exploration.

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi

Use of Mathematics in Modelling Climate : By Zhang Chenxi To most people, they might be only familiar with the more well-known fraternal twin, pure Mathematics, characterised by its abstract, computational nature. Indeed, the solving of Math problems at a pre-university level is limited to the grueling lucubrations of calculus equations, graphing of hyperbolic functions, […]

The Role of Math and Physics in AI : By Zhang Chenxi

The Role of Math and Physics in AI

The Role of Math and Physics in AI One might have heard of Stable Diffusion, one of the many amongst the myriad of colourful text-to-image AI models in the market nowadays. Built on the architecture of a diffusion model, its associations with Physics is glaringly obvious. Just as its name suggests, it is heavily inspired […]